#106 - Seth Pimentel

#106 - Seth Pimentel


Destination: Shanghai, China
Date: 15 - 22 May, 2024

About Seth Pimentel
Through the merging of graffiti, contemporary art, and illustration, Seth Pimentel is pushing the boundaries of classic portraiture. As an artist from Johannesburg, South. Africa, he is addressing themes of identity, mental health and modern life in the digital age, using his creative process to share his experiences in post-colonial South Africa.

You can find more work from Seth on his Instagram: @african_ginger

Destination: Shanghai, China
Shanghai, or as the locals call it, ‘Hu’, is with a population of 24,2 million people enormous by all standards. Just for comparison, New York City will account for about 8,5 million. Situated by the Yangtze River, the city serves as the most influential economic and financial hub in East China, with extensive international trade and a rich cultural heritage. The city has a long history in silk, textiles and embroidery, dating back to the end of the Ming dynasty in 1664.

Details about the print
± 50 x 70 cm
Medium: silkscreen print
edition of 50, signed and numbered by the artist

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A little word from Seth…


“Regardless of preconceptions people might have of Chinese big cities, I really wanted to embrace the fullness of the city in a pure way, so I went into this trip with a clear mind and was not disappointed. Some aspects of the Shanghai were easier than others, but without a doubt the food made a huge impression on me. It was affordable and absolutely delicious everywhere I went. The Xiaolongbao, a soup-esque dumpling which tasted great, quickly became my favourite.

Communication however was super tough, I hardly spoke with people while I was there. I met some guys at a bar and we had a few drinks, but we were using translators the whole time trying to get across to each other. In the context of language it was quite a lonely experience in that regards. But the culture of China and the general aesthetic of Shanghai made up for my alienness in the city. On one of the days I went to a space called M50 and was introduced to the creative scene there, which had an incredible rawness and dedication to the craft. I saw these portrait pieces there that conveyed a sense of movement, they were painted in oil and spoke about love and the internal dialogue one has. I didn't get the name of the artist but those works really stuck out for me. It also really blew my mind to see people in their 60s still pursuing art relentlessly.

Shanghai felt like a huge melting pot of different aesthetics. For example I saw quite a bit of Korean pop idol inspired guys, and Japanese Kawaii inspired girls. But what really stood out for me was the skater/hip hop influenced styles and the goth/alternative style. Because of this I gave the woman I portrayed in my artwork an alternative/emo style to her. I was personally really connected to that subculture as a kid and to see it manifest in the East was beautiful to me. I wanted to intertwine that upbeat aesthetic of the average student in Shanghai, together with the dragons and foo dogs that I saw quite a bit throughout the city as well. They serve as a symbol of protection and prosperity and combined with the strong red as an element of good luck and prosperity again, it really encapsulated my experiences in Shanghai.”


Travel Diary


Tuesday, May 14, 2024
So the first stop on the trip is Abu Dhabi. Firstly it's ridiculously hot, people aren't so hospitable but the scenery of architecture makes up for it. I went to the Louvre and engaged with a multitude of works, which was honestly so inspiring. I’m excited for day 2, where I leave Abu Dhabi and head out to Shanghai

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
I spent my last day in Abu Dhabi getting ready for my flight to Shanghai by eating good food and chilling in the heat.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

First day in Shanghai was though but great. I spent the day resting and preparing for the next day. A lot went wrong but everything got sorted. It’s a beautiful city and I can’t wait to explore this place.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Today was eventful. I got great food, met some people, and Went to the MoCa where I saw a show by a local Chinese artist. The day ended at a bar in the Huangpu district.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

I went for a stroll around a park near the hotel to get some fresh air after a busy night the night before, i found myself walking quite a bit while in Shanghai.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

I went to a place called Hongpu and did a little shopping, finding stuff I couldn't find in my home country. These spaces are so beautifully curated and well placed. After that I went to get some dinner from my favourite spot down the road from the hotel and popped in for a beer at the student bar not too far from the restaurant.

Monday, May 20, 2024

I went for a nice walk in the park to people watch, then i found out about an art space called M50, went there and saw some amazing work by amazing artists. It was hard to start a conversation with a lot of people because of the language barrier, but for the most part it was stunning. Then went for a beer and a nice dinner 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

On my last day I walked around gathering my thoughts and reflecting on the trip and all the inspiration I gained while in these spaces. Finished the day with a last meal and then headed to the airport to end my trip.

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