#076 - Summer Camp - Tyna Adebowale

#076 - Summer Camp - Tyna Adebowale


Destination: Näsets Marcusgård, Sweden
Date: 5-12 September, 2021

Tyna Adebowale
Through the representation of queer bodies and narratives, Tyna projects the visibility of dual sex gender, gender fluidity, by countering the imposed influences of cultural misrepresentation. Tyna collaborate s with queer bodies who dwell on the margins of erasure, in Nigeria and other parts of the globe where wrong queer perceptions are promoted while homophobia and oppression are internalized and legalized.

You can find more work of Tyna on her Instagram: @tyna_adebowale

Summer Camp
Tyna Adebowale is one of the four artists of our Jaunt Summer Camp 2021. Together with four other artists we are sending them for a short and pleasurable retreat at Näsets Marcusgård, in the heart of Sweden, a few hours outside of Stockholm. Connecting with each other, with nature, and sharing creative processes along the way.

Details about the print
± 50 x 70 cm
Medium: five color silkscreen print
50 prints, signed and numbered by the artist

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A little from Tyna…


"I usually enjoy the art of not creating expectations for new spaces, especially on this trip when I was visiting Sweden for the first time. I allowed the experiences to happen to me. Overall I would say the week consisted of drinking, sharing stories and in between, we were eating. I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with my fellow artists during the Summer Camp. The discussions we shared during those few days were some of the most honest conversations I have had with creatives in my recent experience. We talked about social connections, thriving and doing the best to make studio practice as artists, all beautiful journeys.

Being in the landscapes of the tucked away corners of Sweden was a beautiful experience. The wild mushrooms out in the woods, were a whole installation on their own. For the first time, I flew a drone (one of the other artists had brought it to the Summer Camp). I was fascinated by the impressions seen through the screen. As I returned to the studio, reinterpreting these flat plains and shapes I experienced through colours and my drawing patterns, began what became the final artwork. The direction that the Jaunt artwork took me through was a new one, especially how the end result became to be, coming full circle to me allowing the experiences to happen to me."


#076 - Summer Camp - Olivier Kenneybrew

#076 - Summer Camp - Olivier Kenneybrew

#058 - Summer Camp - Boicut

#058 - Summer Camp - Boicut


#067 - Summer Camp - Bakpak Durden

#058 - Summer Camp - Laura Callaghan

#058 - Summer Camp - Laura Callaghan

#076 - Summer Camp - Marie Dahlstrand

#076 - Summer Camp - Marie Dahlstrand
