#097 - Vincent de Boer

#097 - Vincent de Boer


Destination: Romania
Date: 17 - 22 July, 2023

About Vincent de Boer
As a painter and craftsman, Vincent de Boer seeks for poetry and nuances in the calligraphic line. He explores the limits of language by asking the question: can you tell a complete story in a single letter? Driven by a fascination for the traces left after making a movement, Vincent explores his self-imposed technical challenges. While calligraphy is primarily known as a textual tool, Vincent is more interested in the mystical contradictions hidden within it, such as the depth of a flat surface, transcendental time and elusive tactility.

You can find more work of Vincent de Boer on his website: www.vincentdeboer.nl

Destination: Romania
Situated in the south eastern part of Europe, this Balkan country is relatively easily accessible by train through connections in Vienna and Budapest. The perfect opportunity for a train adventure through small towns in the forested region of Transylvania, and anything else that is found along the way. After exploring Romania, Vincent will travel more south ending in Bulgaria, to stay at the NoPoint Atelier and work on his silkscreen print edition right there.

Details about the print
± 50 x 70 cm
Medium: silkscreen print
edition of 50, signed and numbered by the artist

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A little word from Vincent…


"I have done some international train trips throughout Europe before, but I had never visited the countries of Romania and Bulgaria by train. When I travel alone, I notice that there is more space for things like reading and writing, more contemplation. Time is experienced in a different way and that can be very interesting.It was lovely to see the views passing by, hours and hours of fields and forests with an occasional mountain or village. I travel regularly but still every time it feels like a relief that not everything is such a Tetris game like in the Netherlands. One day I arrived in Brasov, Romania, and after exploring a bit in the old town, I went up the mountain for a short hike in the low evening sun. The mountain is on the outskirts of the city and it was great to see how the locals used the mountain, for short hikes, for running-tours, for exercise or just to sit in the sun gazing away. The tourists all seemed to 'stay down'.

After my journey through Romania, I traveled southwards to Bulgaria to visit NoPoint Atelier. I spent three days in this beautiful place and hung out with Miroslav, a friend I didn't know yet. From the start, things couldn't go wrong because right after I got off the Bucharest-Istanbul train halfway, Miro picked me up from the small train station and suggested going for a swim at a waterfall. I am always up for that so he had sensed that very well. We visited beautiful places in the area, had good food, drinks, made drawings together and finally worked on my silkscreen print.

My print was made completely analogue, without intervention of the computer. I worked directly on the film with brush and ink, in multiple layers. Quite an exciting challenge. My idea came from my sketchbook, which I used a lot on the train. You could say I created a kind of abstract representation of the frame through which I experienced the world for a week: the train window. As a kind of symbol for an opposition and a challenge, are you inside or 'outside' with your mind. And above all, also a symbol of the acceptance process I was going through, for days I saw all kinds of things and landscapes I couldn't be a part of, and before I knew it I was past it again. The sentence I have written in the lower right-hand corner is a derivation from The Alchemist, the book I read on the way, which at one point also deals with the theme, are you 'inside' your head or a book that you brought, or are you open to the 'outside', the surroundings and/or the journey as an object."


Travel Diary


Monday, 31st of July, 2023

Tuesday, 1st of August, 2023

Thursday, 3rd of August, 2023

Friday, 4th of August, 2023

Nopoint Atelier - Gabrovo, Bulgaria


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