#073 - Linnéa Andersson

#073 - Linnéa Andersson


Destination: Näsets Marcusgård, Sweden
Date: 24-30 May, 2021

About Linnéa Andersson
In her paintings, Linnéa Andersson has an ongoing investigation of how to describe an emotion without words. Working from her studio in Gothenburg, Sweden, she is mediating a human language without a human expression, through the shapes and forms of an abstract leaf. The leaves speak to Linnéa, writing her diary through their wobbly shape and the space in between them and the outline of the canvas.

You can find more work of Linnéa on her website: www.linneaandersson.se

Destination: Näsets Marcusgård, Sweden
Back in 1910, a man called Marcus Eriksson founded Näsets Marcusgård in rural Sweden, about a four hours drive north of Stockholm. It started small, but soon the farm became the central meeting place in the area. Nowadays Näsets Marcusgård is run by two Dutch entrepreneurs, Mireille and Willem, who were immediately inspired to build a place that combines history and nature with modern comfort and quality.

Read and see more of Näsets Marcusgård on their website: www.nasets-marcusgard.se

Details about the print
± 50 x 70 cm
Medium: two colours silkscreen print
50 prints, signed and numbered by the artist

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Also available from Linnéa Andersson…


To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of The Jaunt, we have invited some of the artists that we have worked with over the years to create a new silkscreen print. Linnéa’s print is one of the seven prints that makes part of this series.

Artist: Linnéa Andersson
Title: Pink Leaf Green Speckles

Print details
Dimensions: ± 50 x 70 cm
Medium: two colours silkscreen print
Edition: edition of 50, signed and numbered by the artist


A little word from Linnéa


"With the memory of my last Jaunt trip to Belgium on my mind, I expected to see lots and lots of wildlife again. Dalarna is quite well known for wolf, bear and moose, so I prepared myself to run fast or play dead. The shifting nature of Dalarna was very impressive and did not disappoint. The first day I made a really long trail to Ärteråsens Fäbodar and on that 18 km walk I was already amazed of how different the same forest can look, depending on the vegetation. The quietness and the safety I felt walking there all by myself for hours was something that stuck by me. Luckily I did not meet any wild animals! Although I did see some piles they left behind, but not from any scary beasts. The last thing I expected was that I would need to use an axe to chop down a tree which had fallen across a road, or having a singing and dancing hippie lady as my closest neighbor. Wrong of me!

The one thing that actually affected me the most during my stay was the constant bird singing. I’m a bit too much into superstition happenings and found myself in a weird place when I constantly had to listen to the cuckoos singing. At least in Sweden, one could tell fortune by listening to what latitude the cuckoos song comes from. I had to stop looking at my compass and stop fearing the worst. One could say that I really had to meditate that situation away! Maybe that experience has made me a bit less superstitious, and that would a good thing in itself again.

I’ve tried to incorporate the feeling of being asked to dance with something bigger than yourself. On this trip I had to face situations with hippie ladies, superstition, comfortable loneliness and much more, and just dance along with it. The biggest learning I took away from this adventure was that I found out that my way to handle situations, which are a bit outside of my comfort zone, is to just dance along in this Macarena called life.”


Travel Diary

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