#045 - Niels Shoe Meulman

#045 - Niels Shoe Meulman


Destination: Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Date: 29 May - 03 June, 2018

About Niels Shoe Meulman
Niels ‘Shoe’ Meulman is a visual artist, known for his gestural paintings which reveal vivid traces of Graffiti and Calligraphy. He revolutionized the art of writing when he initiated the Calligraffiti movement, claiming “a word is an image and writing is painting”. Being a graffiti pioneer from Amsterdam, Shoe worked with New York counterparts such as Dondi White, Rammellzee and Keith Haring in the 1980s. Equally influenced by the great painters of Abstract Expressionism, he gradually found his own way to translate street attitude to gallery walls. Experimenting within the traditional medium of paint-on-canvas, but also unafraid to venture into new realms like conceptual installations and poetry, Niels Shoe Meulman keeps pushing the limits of Urban Contemporary.

More work of Shoe can be found on his website: www.nielsshoemeulman.com

About the print:
± 50 x 70 cm 
Colours: 3 colour silkscreen print, including split fountain
50 prints, signed and numbered by the artist

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A little word by Niels Shoe Meulman


“‘Go on a trip’ said The Jaunt. ‘The Caribbean’ said I. When I arrived in Santiago, I got picked up by a taxi for the two-hour drive to Cabarete, watching the hilly, jungle landscape getting covered in darkness, quite rapidly. When you arrive in a new place in the evening, the vision in the following daylight is always completely different than how you imagined it. During my trip I stayed at the villa of my old partner in crime (literally) Bando. He’s into surfing and cave-diving now and works with the DRSS (Dominican Republic Speleological Society). We went on several trips to look for caves, trying to find access points underwater to enter the caves in order to explore and map the caves.

Gazing at plants and trees and their foliage, I got the notion that there is a universal balance behind every intuitive decision. To discover patterns in life’s chaos and then pointing out the flaws in those patterns could just be my purpose in life. Foliage reminds us that the things we create are just dead monuments celebrating our living surroundings. I think these palm leaves illustrate that beautifully. “The only difference between a flower and a weed is judgement” (Wayne Dyer)”



Travel diary

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

After a month in New York I’m off to La República Dominicana. My last night in Brooklyn and Manhattan was a little crazy so I’m kind of hung over. Luckily, when boarding, I find my seat has been changed from 16A to 2B, which can mean only one thing: upgrade to business class. Hello, free champagne.
I would have loved to sleep through the four-hour flight but couldn’t, so instead, I looked for something worth watching on the screen and found Iconoclast; a wonderful film about Michel van Rijn by a befriended author, filmmaker and street art enthusiast King Adz.

When arrived in Santiago, I got picked up by a taxi for the two-hour drive to Cabarete, watching the hilly, jungly landscape getting covered in darkness, quite rapidly. When you arrive in a new place in the evening, the vision in the following daylight is always completely different than how you imagined it.
I’m staying at the villa of my old partner in crime (literally) Bando. He’s into surfing and cave-diving now. Before bedtime, we had a quick stroll around the village, where prostitution and cocaine seem to be the standard, but in a really laid back way. Stay tooned.


Friday, June 1, 2014

Day 02 - Puerto Plata

Today I went off to the caves in the jungle together with Bando and the DRSS (Dominican Republic Speleological Society). On the way there I spotted a lot of cars with this weird color. it’s like a pale orange/peach, and you can see it everywhere.

We made our way up to the Northeast of the Dominican to look for caves together with the DRSS. Trying to find access points underwater to enter the caves in order to explore and map the caves.


Later in the day, we visited Estero Hondo, which is a sort of outpost of the environmental military police where a lot of Manati (manatee) can be found. These sea mammals, also known as sea cows, are currently on the endangered species list and have found a natural refuge at this spot. Also, lots of great opportunity to catch fish!


And at last, a visit to the local liquor store.


I spotted this book and was excited about it, but it turned out to be a book for kids to learn cursive writing. Bummer.


The day ended at the Club Deportivo I Cultural Sector La Paz, the local softball club in Cabarete. 


Day 03 - Puerto Plata


Octagon combined with pentagram.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 4 - Puerto Plata

‘Go on a trip’ said The Jaunt. ‘The Caribbean’ said I.

Gazing at plants and trees and their foliage, I got the notion that there is a universal balance behind every intuitive decision. To discover patterns in life’s chaos and then pointing out the flaws in those patterns could just be my purpose in life.And that foliage reminds us that the things we create are just dead monuments celebrating our living surroundings.I think these palm leaves illustrate that beautifully.


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