#033 - Morcky

#033 - Morcky


Destination: Belgrade, Serbia
Date: 20 - 25 April, 2017

About Morcky
If you walked around on the streets of Amsterdam in the early 2000’s, you will have undoubtedly been exposed to the works of Morcky. He painted his signature boombox speakers relentlessly all over town. Originally Morcky comes from Italy, but Amsterdam quickly became a second home. Morcky grew up with graffiti, and afterwards fell in love with illustration and animation. His greatest daily struggle, according to himself, is to combine all of these disciplines. Characteristically for his work are his expressive pen lines, capturing the candid beauty of his surroundings.

More work of Morcky can be found on his website: www.morcky.com

About the print:
± 50 x 70 cm 
Colours: 4 colour silkscreen print 
50 prints, signed and numbered by the artist

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A little word by Morcky


“I started this journey with a heavy spirit. My life being shaken up during the last months by many changes, unexpected changes that consistently transformed the way I see my future. Travelling is a great way to get a different perspective on things, a new angle that can help through the everyday process of interpretation. I went on this trip totally open to swallow the unexpectedness, in order to perceive my feelings without preconceptions. 

The openness of the people and their hospitality made the most impression on me, an art that seems to be long forgotten in modern, richer, Europe. Mix that with the cultural diversity, history, meat dishes, tall people, war holes, roughness, rain, and people’s will to have a good time, and that sums up my impressions of Belgrade. For my print I wanted to capture the feeling of a city that is in continuous change and evolution. Bringing together a lot of different architectural styles, from a scrappy worker house, passing through a 21st century high-profile apartment, and ending up with an orthodox bell tower. All these elements brought together capture the flavour of what Belgrade is about right now. Change and innovation immersed in a rough past of mixed cultures.”



Thursday, April 20, 2017

Sunday, April 22, 2017

Monday, April 23, 2017


Wednesday, April 25, 2017


Monday, April 26, 2017


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