#006 - Erosie

#006 - Erosie


Destination: Stockholm, Sweden
Date: 24 - 28 February, 2014

About Erosie:
Looking through the portfolio of Dutch artist Erosie you will find a broad spectrum of work showcasing his versatility as an artist. Seemingly effortless moving between and connecting the worlds of graffiti, illustration, typography, conceptual and contemporary art. You might have seen his work before through his projects Eroded City Cycles, Horror Vacui or his work for record label 3024. His work is a reflection of his personal thoughts, doubts and experiences and above all his reactions to the visual input he receives on a daily basis.

More examples of Erosie's work can be found on his website; www.erosie.net

About the print:
± 50 x 70 cm 
Colours: 3 colour silkscreen print 
50 prints, signed and numbered by the artist

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A little word by Erosie


“I try to be as unprepared as possible before leaving on a trip, only packing my bag at the very last moment. I like doing this because it allows me to not make any real expectations about where I’m going, and leave it open as a surprise. The Swedish landscape, the fraction of what I’ve seen, ended up being the biggest surprise for me. The landscape itself but also how the people live on it has made the most impression on me. I love the contrast between the city and the nature. Within no time you get from the heart of the city to being in the middle of nature, surrounded by lakes, trees and huge rocks.

I’m a big fan of post-war architecture, the mix between utopian ideas, straight forward building techniques and visual, illustrative and graphic elements appeals to me. Even though Stockholm wasn’t bombed in the Second World War there was a considerable amount of post-war influences which I recognized, next to the more old and traditional architecture. I have made the final artwork to be an extension of my other work. I want it to both be a personal image as well as a collage of impressions, found patterns, structures and some drawings of my stay in Stockholm. All mixed up in coherent way.”



Travel diary

Thursday, February 25, 2014

I arrived in Stockholm yesterday evening after a pretty long bustrip from the airport through the dark Swedish woods, passing the Scania truck-factory and occasionally spotting the “ beware of crossing moose” signs, a funny detail I really liked. I’m in Sweden! Here are some highlights of the day;


I packed my bag with a sketchbook and equipment, ready to go!


My transport for the day, best way to explore a city! Well…if it would have been my own bike of course, but better to ride a women’s bike with basket than no bike at all :-)


My hotel is at the Kungsholmen part of town, and around the corner I bumped into this beautiful illustrative piece, and after some googling found out it’s by Stig Blomberg from the fifties.

Arrived on the Langholmen island, basically a beautiful park on a big piece of rock with a bridge over it. Must be fantastic in the summer.


A typical tobacco shop on the Södermalm island.


The more funky part of town where you can actually see quite some graffiti in the streets of zero tolerance Stockholm…


Great sculpture / slide / hide out.


There is a lot of nice, clean functionalist architecture in Stockholm, this is the Luma factory from the 30’s/40’s.

Off to the old town Gamla Stan.

That kind of sums it up!


First and probably last snow for me this winter…


With a little detour I ended up on Djurgården with the typical Biologiska Museet. The island is filled with beautiful wooden houses, well castles even and all the way in the east a very nice coastline view, just before dark…


Friday, February 26, 2014

Today I made a trip to Göteborg to visit Ekta and see a different part of Sweden…

Starting off in the early morning funky Stockholm subway tunnels.


I love these tiles at the central station..


…and these!

Sweden; lakes and even more lakes.

Time for some sketching, not to forget I am actually here for a reason! ;-)


…and in between the rain we managed to do this painting, we were very pleased with the result since it was the first time we worked together.


…ending the day in the studio doing a collage ping pong…thanks Ekta, thanks Göteborg, thanks The Jaunt!


Saturday, February 27, 2014


Drawing Swedish houses in the train, I love them. Very typical, simple almost symmetric wooden houses, all slightly different in beautiful colours.


Like this.


Another typical Swedish thing is the state controlled liquor stores Systembolaget.

Bad weather unfortunately so off to the Moderna Museet..

With Pablo in the park

And a great exhibition “ Dance Machines - from Léger to Kraftwerk” with Kraftwerk…


…and Léger.


Beautiful drawing by George Grosz.


Jacques Villon


And a great exhibition by Gabriel Orozco.


..and a very funny piece by Jonas Dahlberg in the toilets.

Sunday, February 28, 2014


Last day in Stockholm, last day of sightseeing and collecting material for my print.

Øl & vin

Stockholm bird’s eye view in the nice Kulturhuset.

Great view on the top floor, better to sit inside…


…compared to misty, wet and 3 degrees outside.

Sure thing I’ll use this beauty in my print!


Goodbye Stockholm, it’s been great! Thanks Jeroen/The Jaunt for this amazing opportunity, now back to work!


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